Redefining high performance: The power of doing your best

In the pursuit of excellence, high performance often gets misunderstood. Many equate it with being the best, topping every chart, and outshining every competitor.

Redefining high performance: The power of doing your best

In the pursuit of excellence, high performance often gets misunderstood. Many equate it with being the best, topping every chart, and outshining every competitor. However, true high performance is about consistently doing your best, staying authentic to your values, and embracing a growth mindset.

Let me share a personal story that really brings this to life.

One day, my son came home from school looking a bit down after a challenging exam. His face was a picture of worry, and he sighed, “Mum, I don’t think I did very well in that exam.”

I gently asked him, “Well… did you do your best?”

He hesitated before replying, “Yes… but…”

I continued, “Did you revise as much as you could?”

“Yes,” he confirmed.

“Did you get there on time?”

“Yes,” he nodded.

“Did you go in with a positive mental attitude?”

“Yes,” he said.

I smiled and reassured him, “Well then, you’ve done your best, and that’s all you can do.”

The moral of this story is simple yet incredibly powerful… High performance isn’t about being the best at everything you do; it’s about doing your best at everything you do.

Its not just about school though, this translates into the world of business. It starts with planning and preparation. Just like my son revised thoroughly for his exam, high performance in business starts with meticulous planning and preparation. You need to understand your goals, devise a strategy, and prepare rigorously.

Consistent effort is also key. High performance isn’t about sporadic bursts of productivity; it’s about maintaining a steady pace of hard work. Just as my son attended his exam on time, you need to show up consistently in your professional endeavours.

A positive mental attitude is crucial. Approaching challenges with optimism and a belief in your ability to improve makes a significant difference. My son’s positive mental attitude, despite the difficulty of the exam, exemplifies this perfectly.

Lastly, authenticity is key. Stay true to yourself. High performance is sustainable when it aligns with your core values and personal strengths. Authenticity fosters resilience and long-term success.

Remember, its not about being the best at everything; it’s about being your best in everything you do. Embrace this mindset, and you’ll find that high performance becomes a natural part of your professional journey.

Alison Edgar MBE
Alison Edgar MBE

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