The more you learn, the more you earn. However, it’s not simply about acquiring huge quantities of knowledge, as it’s just as vital to focus on the right type of information, as the team at ActionCOACH explains in this feature.
Golfing legend Gary Player once remarked: The harder I practice, the luckier I get. This was a comment he made many decades ago, and was a tongue-in-cheek reply to a journalist’s question about a moment of good fortune he had enjoyed in a tournament.
The South African is now in his mid-80s, and when he was at the peak of his powers during the 1960s and 1970s, had a reputation for working hard on his game, as well as his fitness. In fact, regarding fitness, Player was ahead of his time. At five-foot, six-inches tall, he was shorter than most of his rivals, but more than made up for this disadvantage by working harder than the rest of them.
Well, you can apply the same argument to business, saying ‘the more you learn, the more you earn.’ Yet it’s not just a case of ‘learning by quantity’, it’s important that you’re learning methods possess ‘quality.’
And we at ActionCOACH have a saying: ‘The only place Earn comes before Learn is in the dictionary.’ It’s another way of saying: ‘Never put the cart before the horse’ which is an English proverb about doing things in the correct order. But learning is not simply something you do at college. We tend to learn more in the workplace than in the classroom, and it’s especially so in a business environment.
One simple equation is: ‘The more you have to learn to perform your job well, the more you are going to earn. This is why professions command a much higher pay per hour than manual work.’ The more you learn, the more irreplaceable you become. This, in turn, adds value to everything you do. And to be in this position, gives you greater leverage when searching for a new job and when you are re-negotiating a pay deal.
And you mustn’t lose sight of ‘supply and demand’ with regards to learning. The more people who choose to learn a certain skill, or take a particular university degree course, the more watered down your value becomes in the marketplace. Thus all jobs and degrees will have their peaks and troughs, regarding salaries and demand. Therefore, something that’s ‘ten-a-penny’ may need to be avoided when making career choices.
This can best be summed up by saying: ‘If what you’re learning is the same as what everybody else is learning, learn something else instead.’ Knowing what to learn, and identifying which particular skills are in greatest demand, is certainly a skill in itself. It can mean the difference between ‘earning a little above average’, and ‘earning a whole lot more’.
There aren’t too many business owners who have learnt how to build a successful business from a low base. But this is exactly what we do at ActionCOACH. Our numerous coaches around the country spend time working with clients, who are usually small business owners. Within five years of enjoying the benefits of our specialist knowledge, these men and women have usually turned their businesses into spectacularly successful ventures.
Our coaches provide street-wise advice and knowledge that you will never attain at college. And that’s a fact, not an opinion. To learn how to market, sell and build a business doesn’t happen in a lecture theatre. And that’s why nine out of 10 UK businesses fail within 10 years of starting.
The future of the workforce lies in brains, not brawn. With so many jobs becoming redundant because of automation ‘ in other words computer intelligence ‘ the recruitment market is starting to resemble a scary and unpredictable place.
Over the next few decades, manual workers will become the most vulnerable members of our society. Someone working as a cashier could soon be made redundant, while the person who writes the software to run these automated machines won’t. Neither should the business owner, who will have learned the secrets of building a successful company. This is where ActionCOACH comes in.
We are a franchise which trains our franchisees to coach small business owners and help them to succeed in their chosen sector. And we are always looking to expand our UK network.
We create daily webinars which are available to our franchise partners. These webinars offer advice from business leaders around the globe. These are people who are giants in their field, and this provides a great tool for our franchisees to learn from. They include people such as Jeffrey Gitomer, Professor Damian Hughes and Frank Dick.
And our franchise partners remain up-to-date by learning and understanding all the modern marketing and selling techniques. It enables our business partners to remain at the top of their game.
This article comes courtesy of ActionCOACH. If you’d like some help selecting and implementing the most powerful accelerated innovation strategies for your business, then reach out to us.
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