April 2 is most popular day to start a business

Total of 1,700 businesses created on this day last year as number of start-ups surges 50% since start of recession

April 2 is most popular day to start a business

Forget about April Fool’s day. The most popular day in April, at least for entrepreneurial folks, is April 2.

In a recent study, O2 Business revealed that more businesses were launched on this date than any other date last year, with the number of new start-ups totalling over half a million by the end of 2013. Examining data from Companies House, the UK registrar for companies, O2 Business found that nearly 1,700 businesses were created on April 2.

Indeed, 2013 proved to be a record year for entrepreneurial activity as the figures show a 50% increase in the number of newly incorporated companies since the recession began. The average year-on-year increase in the number of start-ups on these shores stands at 11%. A symptom of the recession, some might argue, but one can’t help but be excited about the entrepreneurial spirit that has gripped Blighty. 

Additional research from O2 discovered that over a third of natives (37%) have ambitions to set up their own business, which could account for the increased number of new ventures. But despite our enterprising cravings, 41% of would-be entrepreneurs are often put off when they consider the availability of financial resources, with another 35% simply not knowing where to start.

Seeking advice from other entrepreneurs is one way to solve this. The inaugural Elite Business National Conference and Exhibition presents the perfect opportunity for both wannabes and established entrepreneurs to rub shoulders with the great and mighty from the business world.

“It’s great that more and more people are choosing to start their own business,” said Paul Lawton, head of small business for O2. “2013 proved to be a record year for entrepreneurs and we hope to see this upward trend continue into 2014 and beyond.” 

Dara Jegede
Dara Jegede

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