Over 37 million Brits could demand their data to be removed when GDPR comes into force

A shock survey from Crown Records Management reveals that 71% of UK consumers plan to use their right to be forgotten

Over 37 million Brits could demand their data to be removed when GDPR comes into force

People will be able to demand that businesses remove all the data they hold on them when the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) snaps into action on Friday May 25. And SMEs could be in for an expensive shock if they are unprepared for it as the majority of Brits aim to take full advantage of their right to be forgotten, a new survey reveals.

Having polled over 2,000 people in the UK, Crown Records Management, the information-management firm, reveals that 71% plan to definitely or possibly ask a company to edit or delete their data when the new regulation is implemented. Only 8% said they wouldn’t. Given the UK has a population of 52.6 million, these results could mean companies across Blighty will receive an overwhelming 37.3 million requests.

Commenting on the research, David Fathers, regional manager at Crown Records Management, said: “We were all aware that the public is increasingly interested in how their personal data is used and increasingly aware of its value and the dangers of its misuse. But for so many people to indicate they will ask for data to be edited or deleted will come as a shock to many businesses. Even if only the 25% who answered ‘definitely’ follow through with that intention then we could be looking at more than 16 million requests – which is an eye-watering figure.”

With three months to go before the GDPR is implemented, this research should alert entrepreneurs to the costly risks of being unprepared for the new regulations. After all, those firms in breach of GDPR will be fined up to €20m or 4% of global turnover, whichever is highest.

Eric Johansson
Eric Johansson

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