Solid advice for business growth

Along with rapper MC Harvey, Romeo and actor Ashley Walters, Lisa Maffia is among the more notable alumni of the more than 30-strong, late-90s, garage collective, So Solid Crew

Solid advice for business growth

Seminal in their influence on what would later become grime music, Lisa has capitalized on this by establishing a glowing solo career worldwide.

But it has not distracted from Maffia’s ambitions elsewhere in the world of business, in which she continues to advocate for a “growth mindset” rooted in positivity and self-determination.

“Everything we think and say about ourselves is manifested into reality. It’s so important to believe you can before you even try,” Maffia explains. “I said I always wanted to have projects happening that I truly enjoy, so that it didn’t feel like I was just working to make money! It’s happening and I truly enjoy life when I’m working because the jobs are actually what I love doing.”

It is an outlook has fuelled her varied business interests, which she continues to pursue with passion. Her first venture was a booking agency. 

“It was a smooth transition as I was only booking myself at first,” she recalls. In considering how to make it succeed, she examined established companies for inspiration. 

“I used to imagine myself as their company director and imagine myself instructing the team to make changes to this or that. I always look for what could be there next to elevate the business to the next level – looking at the past 3-4 years of our campaigns and what each one brought to us, the messages and feelings.”


The music business

Although she found herself on the other side of the door, the experience wasn’t drastically different from music, she says.

“Music is a business. In music I am the product so there wasn’t much difference. Moving into any business you are trying to establish, you need to market and promote yourself. I nurture my talent with each individual song I put out. I have a core team to support the growth of my music career, which is very much the same as you would with any business you are growing.”

Her latest endeavour is House of Maffia, originally an online boutique, which has since pivoted into interior design after circumstances in her personal life became a priority.

Maffia explains: “I unfortunately experienced heartache when I found out my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer. My heart wasn’t in it any more. Two years after, my mum doing well and recovering from chemotherapy, I decided to reopen. At the back of my mind I thought reopening as it was, was bad luck. I decided to reopen as HOM staging and interior design instead and I’ve to date done interior for Barrett homes, and lots of independent developers!”

Her determination to succeed has not been hampered by how she has had to fight to be taken seriously in male-dominated industries. In fact, it seems to have fortified her approach. 

“I’ve struggled so badly to be recognised amongst 30 odd men in So Solid Crew. But for every setback, there’s been a small victory – a moment of connection, a breakthrough in understanding, a glimmer of hope that change is possible. 

“And it’s in these moments that I’m reminded of the power of perseverance, of the resilience of the human spirit, and of the potential that lies within each of us to effect meaningful change. Being up on stage and having a crowd of 30,000 people sing every word of your song back to you, that is victory.”

Her advice to others looking to switch fields and overcome similar obstacles is to foster a positive and optimistic attitude. 

“Even in the face of adversity, believe in your ability to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals through determination and resilience.”

Maffia rum

It is an outlook that has fueled Maffia’s ongoing growth and placed no limitations on her ambitions. 

“I recently watched an interview of myself at 19 years old, they asked me what my aspirations and ambition was for the future, my answer was world domination, to inspire, empower and leave a lasting legacy.”

She continues to manifest that goal through her latest endeavour, Maffia Rum for which, again, she has no minor ambition. If she has her way, we’re all going to be drinking it.

“I plan to make spiced rum the first choice drink worldwide. Throughout all of my businesses projects and promotion and marketing, the plan is always to encourage women to be bold and brave and embrace their femininity in business. To get rid of the gender boundaries that unfortunately still exist.”

With her determination, resilience, and commitment to uplifting women, Maffia will continue disrupting industries to help achieve her goals and bring a few people up on the way.

Maffia will be sharing her insights at Elite Business Live at 4pm on 13 March 2024, as part of a panel discussion How Growth Mindsets Can Power Up Global Success. Register Here.

Ronnie Dungan
Ronnie Dungan

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