Courting attention

Courting attention

Attempting to pin down the right way to describe Sabrina Stocker’s day job isn’t easy.

She’s a former tennis professional turned events entrepreneur, former Apprentice contestant, owner of a PR company – Two Comma PR – and now a pioneer in NFT marketing.

Actually, it’s not that hard, but there are definitely a lot of plates being spun.

It’s what keeps it interesting she says.

I’m currently building my agency Two Comma PR. I’d call myself a visionary and a strategic thinker, I’ve always had a picture-like mind where I design concepts and strategies in my head, illustrate them into a brainstorm and action them into my team. Most of my time is spend creating new concepts, ideas and research and development into the business. The other time is spent creating new joint ventures and partnership deals, as well as maintaining relationships. 

At first I was wearing several hats, and now I have an incredible team looking after their area of the business. I trust in our team to implement and take ownership of their area, giving them the flexibility to explore new ideas and make changes themselves. Everyone is extremely self motivated and driven, and they want to do the best for the company and clients. This allows me to focus on my area of magic, whilst they focus on theirs.

Running a tennis events company during lockdown proved challenging to say the least and lead to a switch of focus.

 My focus did a double back spin during lockdown. I completely switched from running the largest tennis events company in the UK with 400 events to an online tech and subscription platform based business. 

Using the power of press built up over several years of being in the limelight from the TV Show The Apprentice, I understood how to create a synergy between my personal brand and the company brand to accelerate trust, as well as a viral PR Campaign. I cofounded Shopping Slot, where you could find local delivery slots from supermarkets within your area. Within 24 hours we had over 100,000 views and 6 weeks later 500,000 users and 3 million page views.

From the back of this, I founded Two Comma PR, an international public relations agency now reaching millions of impressions online, focusing on the NFT launches for brands and converting blockchain projects into users.

Ah yes, NFTs. A blockchain tributary that seems to have polarised opinion. Seems it is either a new cutting-edge digital branding concept that will revolutionise what we think of as collectible art and value-added products or it’s a load of convoluted snake oil for naive rich people.

Stocker is a believer, you won’t be surprised to know, and sees great potential in the market and the opportunity to add brand value.

NFTs, non fungible tokens, can be explained many ways and has multiple use cases due to the technology behind it. This example I will share will show how NFTs can be used for brands specifically and their communities. Imagine back to when you were a child and used to collect cards. Imagine brands are each designing 100 collectable cards. If you own one of those cards, you are able to gain access to something special, for an event this may be behind the scenes access, for a clothing brand this may mean they can wear the outfit in the metaverse, and for a restaurant it may be guaranteed access to their VIP area. With these different case uses, brands can engage with the NFT, the ultimately own the rights to the add-on, which they can keep or they can sell. 

Any project is driven by trust, credibility and visibility. Public relations allow blockchain projects to increase their conversion rates, shorten sales cycles and keep more customer retention by utilising press to build those three aspects. The blockchain space is new, and many don’t like new as it’s thought a risk, so therefore it’s essential to convey the story line and keep the narrative of the brand through press, as well as simplify the complexity of projects. This builds awareness for users and investors to generate more trust, and press is the core of this. Our team is built of blockchain lawyers, developers, marketers and strategists, meaning it’s driven by people who have already been in the industry for years. 

I’m currently working on my book about Launching Effective NFTs for brands, which I will be excited to reveal soon. What excites me is the technology behind NFTs and how brands can utilise this to drive serious and viral engagement through their communities. My agency, Two Comma PR, creates NFT projects around brands that are utilising utilities with their NFTs to drive long term value.

That said, she believes that initial wave of NFTs will fall away, leaving only those with genuine retainable value. 

My prediction is that 99% of NFT projects won’t exist in five years time due to the accelerated media hype around NFTs, where projects have no sustainable value. For those which do, which we will see flourish in real estate, brands and certain artists, it will be long term.

It is her PR agency which holds her attention at the moment, however, and will be used help build the NFT business.

My main focus right now is growing Two Comma PR, an international public relations agency. We specialise in building viral campaigns, landing brands into large publications and increasing user count for blockchain projects.  

We’ve taken the industry by storm, by reverse engineering typical PR and landing clients with guaranteed placements and helping them get endorsed on social media. We have now over 500 clients, over 27 countries and working with over 5000 publications. 

Our main focus now is building NFTs for brands, which will give them a lot of organic and viral press, as well as captivating their community providing they are early adopters.

There is almost too much to explain, but the good news is that Stocker will be hosting a keynote session at next month’s Elite Business Live on 11th March. She will be offering advice on how to ‘turbocharge’ marketing campaigns. 

I’ll be sharing lots of hidden industry secrets about how to drive viral PR & marketing campaigns for online businesses, so anyone looking to level up remember to sign up way in advance!

Here’s a golden nugget for right now… people buy trust. They want to know they are working with a trusted person and brand. Therefore you want to really analyse your full name & business and think ‘am I a trustworthy business?’.

One way you can do this is by Googling your brand name. Most people would Google a company or person before they decide to work for them. One of four things will come up. a) Positive articles, socials and reviews b) Negative of the same c) Nothing at all (we call this a blank canvas) or d) Someone else’s brand. Start to create a monthly SWOT for your Google search, and think how can determine your own google results, rather than google doing that for you. The more positive aspects you can add here, the shorter your sales cycles you’ll have, the more inbound leads you’ll create and the higher your client retention rate will be. With this, start working on your search results and how you appear online, whether that be cleaning up your socials, reviews or gaining more positive press. 

I’ll be revealing the rest of these golden nuggets on the 11th of March at 9.30am GMT.

See Sabrina Stocker headline Day 2 – Elite Business Live on the 11th March on our Turbocharged Marketing sessions taking place @ 09:30 UK time ‘ Click here to register

Don’t miss it.

Ronnie Dungan
Ronnie Dungan

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