A watercooler moment with… Darshana Ubl

A watercooler moment with Darshana Ubl, CEO of Entrevo UK

A watercooler moment with... Darshana Ubl

In a nutshell, what does Entrevo do?

Entrevo works with small and medium sized businesses that are turning over between £70,000 and £2m. We run workshops that take them through a five-step strategy program, addressing the lack of clarity and credibility problems faced by small businesses. Our core product is to help entrepreneurs and business owners establish themselves as a key person of influence in their industry.

Where did the idea for Entrevo come from?

The idea was to help small businesses with typical problems that they face such as lack of clarity and strategy. Most businesses are too busy just working day-to-day trying to manage cash flow and clients. They’re not thinking about where they’re going. They’re busy working in the business and not on the business. Entrevo provides small businesses with the tools to help them grow.

When did you start up?


How has it gone so far?

We are turning over seven figures and the best practices we learn as a company are those that we transfer to our clientele. It’s a good example of practising what you preach. We’ve got more than 500 client testimonials from people who have been through us. In London, we have delegates attending our programmes from all over Europe, extending to parts of Africa 

What has been the biggest challenge so far?

With 4.8 million SMEs in Britain our main challenge is catering a more regional audience. Currently our presence is more London based so our programmes are oversubscribed in the city.

How would you say you differentiate yourself from the competition?

We are in a micro niche market so there hasn’t really been any direct competition in that field. We have become very well-known for our nine-month Key Person of Influence training programme and our delivery of that.

Where do you see the business in 12 months’ time?

We see ourselves working with more insightful businesses and continuing on the path we are on. We’re close to having 1,000 case studies of business owners.

If you had one piece of advice for entrepreneurs, what would it be?

Have a plan and don’t run east looking for a sunset. This means knowing what direction the business is going and working on the business and not just in the business. 


Dara Jegede
Dara Jegede

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