A watercooler moment with… Bora Celik

A watercooler moment with Bora Celik, CEO of Jukely, the live-music social app and subscription service

A watercooler moment with… Bora Celik

In a nutshell, what does Jukely do?

Jukely is a gig subscription app, which allows subscribers to attend an unlimited number of concerts in their immediate area – or further afield – for a flat monthly fee of £25. It also analyses data across social profiles via its app and website, matching friends – or friends of friends – with upcoming live concerts near them based on their musical tastes.

Where did the idea for Jukely come from?

I was working as a software engineer by day and a concert promoter by night. I’d put together close to 100 shows for leading international artists, including acts such as Tiesto and Kaskade, so I knew how difficult it was to break new artists to my audiences. I realised that when I combined the key aspects of my day and night jobs, I could produce something like Jukely – a matchmaking service for concerts and friends. 

When did you start up?


How has it gone so far?

The response from music-lovers, venues and promotors has been incredible. We now work with over 450 promoters and 500 venues across 15 North American cities – including New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Miami, and Toronto. And we had a successful launch in London in June 2015, which we hope will act as a springboard to Europe’s major cities in the near future. We have already earmarked Amsterdam, Paris and Berlin as places where Jukely will have a lot to offer, given the thriving live-music scene in those cities.

What has been the biggest challenge so far?

It’s been very tough raising money as a music company. Investors hate the music space. You have to be extra compelling.

How would you say you differentiate yourself from the competition?

Jukely not only allows fans to see an unlimited number of shows for a flat fee but it also introduces audiences to emerging artists and genres that they wouldn’t ordinarily have sought out, encouraging subscribers to get out there and see more live music. The average Jukely subscriber attends two to three concerts a month, with up to 70% of its members attending shows by artists previously unknown to them.

What has been the best decision you have made to-date?

Sticking to my core beliefs and not wavering from the path I’d set out on, when all the signs were pointing to other directions.

Where do you see the business in 12 months’ time?

Within 12 months, we’re envisioning filling entire venues and arenas with music hungry Jukely members.

If you had one piece of advice for entrepreneurs, what would it be?

Don’t take on challenges you’re not passionate about. Startup life is full of ups and downs. Mostly downs. When things are down you need to have that fire inside to keep going. 


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