The top ten global cities for female founders revealed

Find out where women have the biggest chance of making their startups a success

The top ten global cities for female founders revealed

For the longest time it seemed as if the startup scene was singularly populated by white guys in their 20s with a shared fetish for hoodies. However, the times they are a-changing. Not only are more women stepping up onto the tech scene across the world but female founders are finally getting the recognition they deserve.

That being said, not all startup ecosystems are equally well-catered to for the next generation of women-led enterprises. That was something The Dell Women Entrepreneur Cities Index looked into when it ranked the best cities around the world for attracting and supporting female founders. Having looked at factors like whether or not the cities have big enough markets, a significant talent pool, an availability of capital, a culture that supports female entrepreneurship and a high enough level of technology enabling connectivity, the index left no stone unturned.

So if you’re a woman looking to start a company, the top ten list should help you pick the best place for your business.

Eric Johansson
Eric Johansson

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