It’s a fundamental bugbear of the first world: you are faced with the unenviable task of contacting a call-centre, only to be faced with an insurmountable geographical distance between yourself and your alleged assistant. Garbled speech, call interference and even cut-offs are commonplace, solely because your point of contact is halfway across the globe.
Thankfully the government and other astute organisations are turning their focus towards enticing an increasing number of businesses back to Blighty. One result of this is Reshore UK, a new one-stop shop service launched by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) and the Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS), designed to help firms bring production back to their home turf.
The scheme follows a period in which more and more businesses are choosing to manufacture and produce in Britain with firms citing the stable economy, competitive corporate tax rates, good regulation and dynamic work forces as their primary reasons for relocation. Looking to capitalise and develop upon the 1,500 jobs ‘reshored’ to the UK since 2011, Reshore UK will provide location services, access to guidance and personal advisors as standard. The involvement of UKTI will also see this opportunity afforded to foreign firms, thus seeking to bring in the best of the international market to further strengthen the improving economy.
One man who is especially enthused about the scheme is David Cameron.
“For years UKTI has played a vital role helping our businesses to export and encouraging inward investment,” the Prime Minister said. “Now, as part of our long-term economic plan, I also want us to help businesses bring back production to Britain. This new service will offer dedicated support for businesses that want to capitalise on the opportunities of reshoring, creating new jobs and ensuring that hard-working people can reap the benefits of globalisation.”
Combined with measures taken by government – with new additions to both the Ambassador and Trade Envoy programs – this must surely provide enough of an incentive for those considering the future location of their firms.
“British industry is coming home,” declared business secretary Vince Cable. “Over the last few months I have welcomed many companies who have taken manufacturing, textiles, call centre work or software abroad, bringing jobs back to the UK.
“This is a sign that diverse; high-quality British manufacturing is on the rise once again. It also highlights the ability of British-based business to stand strong in the face of global competition.”
Admirable sentiments from all concerned. Let’s just hope that this period of renewed optimism for British businesses is here to stay.
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