Activity: Circular Economy, Sports, Sustainability
Region: Dorset
Founded: 2021

The Bigger Ball

The driving force behind The Bigger Ball is to make people aware of the sustainable alternatives which are available now or are being developed to replace everyday essentials which are still being viewed as being the easiest and cheapest production option but not what is best for the future of our planet.  

Founded in the UK by a keen golfer, The Bigger Ball started with the most obvious problem in golf, how to eradicate plastic golf tees. Following the successful launch in 2021 of a range of bamboo tees, The Bigger Ball has grown its sustainable product range of golfing essentials.  

These new product lines include bamboo fibre towels, wooden bag tags, umbrellas made from recycled plastic and reusable water bottles manufactured from sugar cane. In addition to them all being produced from sustainable materials, they have been developed to reduce or recycle waste.  

In addition to the introduction of new products, The Bigger Ball is servicing an increasing number of golf clubs, event organisers and golfers. This growth in the UK will help spread our message globally to all golfers.  

Whilst our presence in golf is increasing, our company name and brand does not limit us to this sport, with several of the initiatives we have introduced being ideal for other sport disciplines. These include our sustainable water bottle solutions and the installation of bottle refill stations.  

The Bigger Ball- Let’s make our planet a more sustainable one, for the benefit of our current and future generations!