Activity: Manufacturing
Region: Yorkshire
Founded: 2019

Power Sheds

The idea for Power Sheds was born in 2019 when Jack Sutcliffe and Simon Hobson noticed that consumers shopping for a shed often found that quality is hard to discern, particularly online. Power has become synonymous with a much simpler approach for both purchasing and customising a shed which allows for both versatility as well as assurances on a high quality and functional end-product. While many competitors pride themselves in a million and one ways a shed can be customised – Power found their niche doing the opposite. Though choice can be a valuable resource, they found large volumes of customers getting bogged down in the enormity of choices available for sheds which, when coupled with a general understanding of what’s best for a robust unit, has led to decreased levels of confidence in the end-customer. They overcame this with minimising the level of customisation to a handful of key decisions which help the buyer to customise a relatively standardised product. The shed is delivered on a pallet which allows for fast, flexible delivery throughout the UK.