Activity: Business Services
Region: Angus
Founded: 2018

Join Talent

Join Talent provides embedded recruitment support as a managed service into some of the most exciting companies on the planet – from start-ups to international household names.  

An impactful and cost-effective way to create strategic advantage via your ability to attract world-class talent and deliver on your business’s growth strategy. 

With globalised expertise Join Talent’s team can help with talent strategy & attraction across skills domains including: 

  • Technology
  • Data
  • Product
  • Digital
  • Machine Learning/AI
  • Cybersecurity
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Central functions (HR, Finance, Risk, HR)

Join Talent’s Chief Revenue Officer and Co-Founder Kevin Blair says, “No client has ever come to us with the ‘easy ask’ – we specialise in helping businesses facing tough challenges, and we enjoy working with those companies who want to take as much value from us as possible in our partnership.”