The Economist

Many people think The Economist is only about economics. It’s not. It’s about pretty much everything.

Many people think The Economist is only about economics. It’s not. It’s about pretty much everything. From politics to business and finance, from science and technology to the arts – The Economist brings its readers clear analysis of the issues that lie behind each week’s global news stories. They satisfy the naturally curious with a distilled view of world affairs that is intelligent, insightful and thought-provoking.


Whatever is happening across the globe, The Economist has an opinion on it. Which is why they tell their readers: The Economist is your essential guide to the events and issues that are shaping the world. Ever since their launch in 1843, The Economist has maintained a fiercely independent editorial stance, believing in the freedom of the individual, the freedom of markets and the free exchange of knowledge and ideas. It’s no wonder that JFK and Mandela numbered amongst their readers.


In today’s world The Economist continues to promote the same essential freedoms – and challenge wherever they see them being denied. Because of this strong, journalistic point of view, The Economist continues to regard itself as a weekly news publication, never a mere magazine.