eAsE – Auto Enrolment System

The system that helps you Auto Enrol your workforce with eAsE. eAsE is ITM’s Auto Enrolment web based technology solution that ensures regulatory compliance.

eAsE is ITM’s Auto Enrolment web based technology solution that ensures regulatory compliance. 
The solution can be implemented quickly to integrate with other HR, payroll or pensions software and provide peace of mind that the right employees are enrolled into the right pension scheme at the right time.
ITM will help you eAsE the burden and overcome the ‘AE challenge’.  If you are an employer, HR or payroll administrator, eAsE is designed to ensure compliance with The Pensions Regulator and smooth the membership enrolment process via streamlined data flow and member communication functionality.
If you don’t have the time to manage Auto Enrolment yourself, why not hand over the implementation and enrolment of employees to ITM. We will use NEST’s delegated access to register you, enrol your employees and ensure that the correct level of pension contributions are paid to NEST.