Activity: Automotive, Financial Services, Technology
Region: London
Founded: 2019


Drivers in the UK have to manage services on dozens of platforms to drive in a compliant manner. The way current systems are set up, drivers lose. You get a paper reminder that your insurance is lapsing, but get an automated ticket if you get something wrong. You have specific timeframes to pay for city charges, but local authority websites are slow and cumbersome and don’t offer drivers a mobile-optimised experience.

Caura is designed to help drivers avoid these expensive and frustrating situations. By offering one platform to manage everything car-related, whether that’s booking MOTs or renewing car tax, and by ensuring that city charges can be paid in two taps on one consistent app, Caura saves drivers time on admin and money on unnecessary fines. We’ve also reduced the questions needed to get a car insurance quote by 75% and work with market-leading insurers so drivers can get competitive quotes in-app, in under a minute! 

The best part is that all a driver needs to sign up is an email and a vehicle registration. All payments can be made in-app with Apple Pay or Google Pay so it’s even easier to transact, however, drivers can also pay using a credit or debit card if they prefer to. 

Available to download on the App Store or Play Store – Caura is here to make sure drivers can pay for the right things at the right time, in a fast, secure, and compliant manner and at no extra fees!