Activity: Business Services, Business Consultancy
Region: Essex
Founded: 2020

Carter Consultancy

Carter Consultancy are business improvement and cultural transformation experts, specialising in embedding Continuous Improvement cultures, creating obsession around Customer Experience and helping people to understand the impact of change to employees through Change Management.

We enable businesses to become more efficient and productive by empowering teams to tackle issues and processes that are in their control, making improvements that benefit themselves, the customer and the business through structured problem solving and communication.

We help and enable internal communities to thrive in organisations, from small and medium sized enterprises all the way to corporate, but our community involvement is a deep-seated belief in the power of local engagement. Every business has different needs, so every package is bespoke; from interventions and training to workshops and coaching, the right solution is offered by actively listening to the ambitions of the business, but also understanding and being aware of the obstacles and blockers that prevent ambitions from becoming a reality.

Our mission is simple; to help businesses to achieve their goals, objectives and ambitions through people focussed improvements. Our method of collaborative working ensures we deliver improvements with tangible and measurable benefits. By creating a safe environment to have open and honest conservations, we help to identify the root cause of problems and drive and develop high performance organisations. 

We thrive in making change happen and enabling our clients to navigate the path to success, whilst energising their workforce and creating and delivering sustainable cultural change that continues long after we have gone.