Boardroom advisors
Activity: Business Services
Region: Bristol
Founded: 2007

Boardroom Advisors

Boardroom Advisors provides Fractional C-Suite Executives and Part-Time Directors in most major functions: Finance, Marketing, Sales, IT, Ops, HR and Managing as well as Non-Executive Directors, Mentors and Coaches.

We also conduct Strategic Reviews which can cover the whole business or focus on a key opportunity or weakness such as growth, digital transformation, funding, exit etc.

  • All our Advisors have scaled businesses, have the tee shirt and the battle scars
  • We have over 200 Advisors, they are all pre-screened
  • We are not consultants, our people become part of your team
  • We are not recruiters, so there is no recruitment fee
  • There is no long-term commitment, continue monthly only if we are bringing value
  • You can scale up or down the number of days per month
  • You can change personnel if your needs change
  • We are cost effective: a fraction of an expert at a fraction of the cost
  • There are low internal costs, no National Insurance
  • We are award-winning, proud recipients of many business awards from Great British Entrepreneur Awards, Business Masters, TechSpark and now EB100

We offer a free, no-obligation discovery meeting with a Regional Director to conduct a gap analysis and provide a written report with recommendations.

Boardroom Advisors are “real world” Advisors. They are people who have had their own companies, made mistakes, learned from them and then grown successful businesses. Most have grey hair, some have none … but they all have experience.