Unlock entrepreneurial success through personalised engagement

How to identify customer needs and create a personalised experience

Unlock entrepreneurial success through personalised engagement

In today’s world, mega-retailers are changing the way we shop. They offer same-day delivery, auto-shipment and sell cheaper versions of popular brands. Because of this, shoppers now expect faster and easier transactions. However, a recent report by Klarna found that 57% of Gen Z and Millennials want an even more personalised shopping experience.

In a crowded digital economy and oversaturated online markets, personalisation can make a big difference and help retailers stand out amongst their competitors. Consequently, this is something that is difficult for mega-retailers to offer.

Personalisation can be used to the advantage of smaller retailers, as small and microbusiness owners are able to hone in on their customers’ needs and therefore provide a more personalised approach to the shopping experience. This is important because exceeding customer expectations which will therefore reflect positively on the business.  

The onset of the pandemic accelerated changes in consumer behaviour as people could no longer go to their local shops, forcing reliance on e-commerce giants such as Amazon. Online retailers quickly improved their capabilities, by offering convenient and efficient ways for consumers to shop. Smaller businesses had a hard time keeping up. 

In order to adapt, small business owners started to include gestures of thanks such as handwritten notes which therefore allowed them to connect with their clientele on a deeper level, unlike their large competitors. Simply put, small firms used empathy to build relationships with their customers which lead to heightened loyalty, proving advantageous in a difficult economic climate.

As shoppers gradually returned to physical stores post-pandemic, the importance of connection and community became more evident. To thrive in this landscape, small businesses must innovate ways to maintain their presence amongst consumers. 

Research from GoDaddy underscores how challenging this can be as curating targeted marketing messages requires understanding of customer needs and preferences. Here are two effective strategies to do this:

Look for inspiration

There’s no harm in learning from your peers, or even your competitors. If you see a business that is great at connecting with its customers online, learn from them, draw inspiration and then find ways to incorporate these learnings into your own, authentic strategies. 

Ask your customers directly

Engaging with customers directly through feedback mechanisms not only fosters a sense of involvement and engagement with the business, but it also ensures that their voices are heard. It is important to thank your customers for their feedback and consequently show them how it is making an impact. One way to do so is to fold the sentiment into your marketing messages. For instance, saying “back by popular demand” is a simple and effective way to communicate to customers that a business is listening and taking action. 

With the many ways businesses can go about marketing to their customers, it’s easy to get lost
in experimentation. Small businesses, in particular, can’t afford to get distracted. With limited
budgets and resources, it’s important to stay focused. 

When GoDaddy is considering building upon or introducing a new product or service,
we focus on two questions: Will it help save business owners time? Will it help them make more money? If the answer is yes to either or both questions, we move forward. If the answer is no to both, then it’s likely not worth it, and we stop. 

Our message to entrepreneurs is simple: don’t let the mega-retailers get in your way. A little bit of customer personalisation and focus will take you far. Just remember, you will always have something mega-retailers don’t: the human touch that connects us all.

Andrew Gradon
Andrew Gradon

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