How to support the wellbeing of your remote employees

Hybrid and virtual working can cause feelings of isolation which carry can costs for both employees and businesses. So what are the signs to look out for and what can you do about them?

How to support the wellbeing of your remote employees

Hybrid and virtual working can cause feelings of isolation which carry can costs for both employees and businesses. So what are the signs to look out for and what can you do about them? 

Look at the face on the screen 

Can you tell the difference between a happy face and a faux happy face? Watch out for forced smiles and especially a ‘resting face’ that is not so happy. It’s the resting face that tells you where someone is. The downward curves on the mouth, the furrowed brow, the sad eyes. Don’t be fooled by the smiles. Like the clowns in the circus these may just be for show. Then watch out for the brave words ‘I’m fine’ or ‘I’m just a bit tired today, but everything is okay’. Don’t walk past these in the virtual team. Dig deeper with ‘how are you really feeling?’ Watch out for avoidance too. Employees who are feeling isolated can cleverly change the subject away from them onto something else, usually something to do with a work priority or ask about you and how you are. Ask how that person is feeling. Then ask them how they are ‘really’ feeling. You might get two different answers. 

Observe levels of coordination and team working

If you see issues here, a root cause may be some people are not collaborating enough with others. Is there a pattern? Are some people being kept out of the loop? If so, and especially if they are more introverted, they may well be feeling isolated but nobody knows it. Dig deeper to find out what’s going on and help solve the issues. Be active in clearing paths for your team. 

Be thoughtful and caring

Send out little and often reminders that they matter to you. It might be a text, email or voice mail. It might be some tips on positive mental health. It might be some positive client feedback. It might just be a simple well done. 

Are you sensing frustration, anger or stress? Isolation can show up differently depending on our personality

Some of us we go quiet, insular and sad. Others get angry, hostile and critical. Don’t assume your employees are all like you. They may be frustrated but feeling isolated. Give them a voice, through check ins, one to ones or even well-being surveys to find out how they are really feeling. Make sure you act on what you find though. There’s nothing worse than finding disengagement and doing nothing about it. 

Don’t make a habit of cancelling one-to-one meetings

When one to one meetings are frequently being cancelled or cut short, it’s a sure sign that relationships are being prioritised behind doing more ‘urgent stuff’.  Without regular touch points with managers, employees will inevitably feel more isolated. Regular cancelled one to ones are a red flag to watch out for so keep these going.

Bring the teams together as a whole team

If this is not possible in person (I recommend you do this from time to time) then do so on line. Get a sense of ‘we are one team’. Talk about shared goals, shared purpose and the vision for the business. Connect them to something more than their keyboard, mouse and screen. 

  1. Finally look at how your business is performing. Successful teams tend to be happy teams so build a successful team by following a science based team building formulae for today’s digitalised world. First get the team Set by ensuring everyone is on the same page, then get them Safe so they can speak their truths and then move onto to getting them Strong, so they can work autonomously with constructive rather than destructive tension. This developmental sequence applies to solo performers too. The world is changing and we have to change with it. 

George Karseras is founder, and author of the new book Build Better Teams: Creating Winning Teams in the Digital age 

George Kaseras
George Kaseras

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