WATB is a digital agency and thinkbox that creates ways for your business to get the best results online and offline.


“Design is as much an act of spacing as an act of marking.” — Ellen Lupton

This has got to be one of our favourite design quotes, we like to design things with the end user and platform in mind; let’s keep things simple, bold and well made.


If our years of experience have taught us one thing, it’s that a strong design, a design that holds up to future trends and technology advances must put the user experience first. We then build on this, alongside you to create an end result to be proud of.




“First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.” – John Johnson

We like to put functionality at the front of what we do, it needs to work and it needs to be intuitive. All of our projects are looked at from many angles, from inception to launch.


Development is an on-going process, we’ll be tweaking our code way after a project launches, ironing out bugs and getting the most efficiency we can out of a build.



“The only way to find out if it really works is to test it.” – Steve Krug

Some of our team have a wide net when it comes to skill-sets, you’ll find part-time musicians, photographers and copy fanatics. We like to offer these skills as and when they’re needed.



If you’re thinking of new ways to attract even more attention to your business, services or an event, get in touch for an informal chat and find out how we can make you stand out from the crowd.