Make It Cheaper

At Make It Cheaper it is our aim to make it easier to run a small business. Call today to speak with one of our savings experts.

We take the headache out of finding the best deals for your business on energy, insurance, telecoms and merchant services by comparing offers for you and finding one that meets the needs of your business. Call today to speak with one of our savings experts.

Make It Cheaper provides an award-winning, telephone-based service for businesses that takes the hassle out of finding a better deal for electricity, gas, insurance and telecoms.

We pride ourselves on our expert knowledge and have a large team of trained staff waiting to advise businesses on how to reduce their overheads. Our saving experts compare a panel of vetted suppliers to find businesses new, improved contracts and policies – then take care of setting them up.

Since 2007, we’ve saved hundreds of millions of pounds for thousands of customers, while our lobbying has been responsible for a number of positive changes within the business energy market.

Although our main focus is Britain’s business owners, our sister site helps Britain’s home owners save money on their gas and electricity.

For additional information, visit our website, or give one of our friendly staff a call on 0808 169 6448.