Top tech tools that support lead generation

It’s no secret that a business cannot exist without an effective sales strategy in place.

Top tech tools that support lead generation

It’s no secret that a business cannot exist without an effective sales strategy in place. However, unless you have taken the time to research the current tech tools available to support growth, the development of an effective lead generation strategy can seem somewhat mysterious.

In fact, time and time again I meet with business leaders who are struggling to drive new sales leads, and, when speaking to them at length, I quickly learn that they have no sales team in place and are relying on external referrals or solely on platforms like LinkedIn to support long-term growth.

The good news, is that the vast majority of sales focused tech tools are both low-cost and easy to use, enabling you to develop a comprehensive lead generation strategy sure to drive growth throughout 2020 and beyond.


One of the fastest growing automation tools for improving online engagement is the Chatbot. Aside from providing real-time engagement, Chatbots are becoming an increasingly valuable sales tool, where through sophisticated A.I. and learned behaviour, they can now assist and drive new sales leads for organisations large or small.

Different platforms, such as Gobot, enable you to build your own chatbot, where you can program FAQs that will help qualify your sales leads via your website, before they reach your inbox.


Unbounce is an easy-to-use digital tool that enables you to create effective landing pages, with easy-to-use templates.

As a platform, it integrates with PPC, social media advertising and email marketing campaigns to significantly increase your conversions by transforming clicks into paying customers through proven landing page designs. In most, your digital marketing isn’t the issue, it is your website that fails to convert customers online. This is where Unbounce comes into play.

For those new to digital marketing, this may be a harder to create and implement by yourself. To ensure you don’t waste valuable time, reach out a digital marketing professional to set-up and manage the campaign on your behalf.


Hot Jar is a specialist analytics tool that enables you to understand how web visitors engage with your website. Providing advanced insights, you will quickly understand how visitors utilise each and every part of your site – what they visit most and where they leave – and from here, will be able to make valuable onsite changes to increase online conversions and support growth.

This platform is utilised by thousands of credible organisations across the globe, providing the opportunity for businesses large and small to gain greater insight into how their lead generation strategy performs at each stage of the sales funnel. At Climb Online we use Hot Jar for the majority of our clients’ campaigns and have seen some incredible results with increased conversion rates.


Without an influential following, organic reach on platforms like Facebook is practically dead for businesses. However, both the Instagram and Facebook advertising platforms are extremely effective for supporting lead generation, enabling you to reach, engage with and re-market to your target audience on a mass scale.

With sophisticated targeting methods, you will be able to reach audiences by location, age demographic, interests or even behaviours, ensuring you reach the right people, with the right content at an affordable ad spend.


Before you start any lead generation strategy, you need to implement some clear KPIs to work towards, with clarity on your numbers and clarity on your goals. 

Without these KPIs, you will have zero accountability when establishing a successful lead generation strategy. At Climb Online we use a tech tool called Active Campaign, which not only acts as a CRM – documenting the details of all potential sales leads – but also automates mundane and time-consuming tasks, like follow up emails, enabling you to spend more time on sourcing and nurturing new relationships.

Active Campaign also documents how many leads you generate, how many you are successfully converting and how many you lose on a monthly basis. In taking the time to measure this against your KPIs each and every month, you are more likely to assess what is/isn’t working and will make valuable changes to create a lead generation strategy that actually delivers results.

Mark Wright
Mark Wright

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