The real ‘Secret’ to business success

The UK is home to some incredible businesses and brands, which represent a level of success that, for many aspiring entrepreneurs, will appear unobtainable.

The real ‘Secret’ to business success

The real ‘Secret’ to
business success

The UK is home to some incredible businesses and brands, which represent a level of success that, for many aspiring entrepreneurs, will appear unobtainable.  

For these individuals, it will seem as though the business leaders of these brands have a special talent or a secret that has enabled them to successfully operate at a high level, but in reality, this simply isn’t the case.

Having met and worked with some of the UK’s most successful business leaders, and now in personally mentoring other aspiring entrepreneurs in the development of their own start-ups, I genuinely believe that there are several key traits that are fundamental to achieving success, regardless of who you are:

a doer, not a consumer

The accelerated growth of digital platforms has meant video, podcasts and e-books are now commonplace, with more and more people ‘consuming’ content on a daily basis.

For aspiring entrepreneurs and developing CEOs, this provides an excellent method of learning from some of the World’s greatest business leaders – the ones who’ve ‘made it’ – from just the click of a button or a Google search.

However, there is a stark difference between ‘consumers’ and ‘doers’ when it comes to achieving success. Where consumers will listen to content and acknowledge how given advice could potentially transform their lives, ‘doers’ will take action and actually implement the ideas or insights provided by a business influencer.

The lesson? If you don’t take action, you can’t expect to be successful. This may sound incredibly simplistic, but just think about the amount of times you’ve listened to an inspiring or proven piece of advice but failed to implement it into your own career, profession or business because your day-to-day routine simply took over.


In business, you need to take unwavering, decisive action in order to achieve success.

If you listen to the business greats, they all share the common trait of making quick and effective decisions that are aligned with their overarching goal[s].

What’s more, they constantly place the needs of the business before their own, putting themselves secondary at all times. This in itself is a strategic move, which removes all personal need and emotion from the decision-making process, to ensure they make the right move for the business with each and every step.


Having the right mindset is fundamental to business success, where those who don’t genuinely believe they will achieve their goals – won’t.

To be successful you need to first believe that it’s possible, that your future as a successful entrepreneur is signed and sealed and that you are just early in the process or working your way there.

However, a focused mindset does not happen overnight. It takes effort and training, which includes the removal or limitation of any negative forces, such as doubting or unsupportive people from your inner circle and, therefore, from your mind. 

up daily

Building any form of business is incredibly challenging, where there will be many days when it feels as though it couldn’t possibly be any harder and you just want to throw in the towel and give up.

However, the business owners and entrepreneurs that continue to show up daily, no matter how hard it gets and no matter what challenge they have to face, as those far more likely to be successful.

Ultimately, there is no ‘secret’ to success, as anyone who has ever achieved it will tell you. It is a matter of focus, persistence and unwavering mental strength, knowing that you will get there at some point regardless of what challenges come your way. Those who realise this and stay in the game long enough are those who will inevitably make it.

Mark Wright
Mark Wright

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